Greenbase actively participate activities in the industry, and also charity from the society. Greenbase AD Limited is member of the following professional associations and organizations.

Hong Kong Graphic Arts Association (HKGAA) is a group of enthusiastic in design, printing and publishing; they committed to promote up-to-date skills and technologies through different platforms. Greenbase AD Limited is prided to be the member of HKGAA.

The Hong Kong Brand Development Council is aiming to lead the business community. Greenbase AD Limited participates in the activities of Hong Kong Brand Development Council, to develop a high quality brand building services.

The digital advertising platforms are rapidly growing. Greenbase AD Limited has invested a lot of resources to build the brand in the digital world to promote our brand. So we joined the Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing. We communicate with a number of institutions in the multimedia world; continue to seek for new breakthroughs.
HKCSS build a cohesive society by promoting strategic partnerships among business and inspiring corporate social responsibility through caring for the community, employees and the environment. Greenbase was awarded the Caring Awards by HKCSS, retain the social responsibility, caring the staff and contribute the society.